I don't agree so I won't repost no one should hire a human being based on their color of ethnicity they should be hired because they have the education and the skills to do the Job.
His face! We have a brand of cleaning product in New Zealand called Will and Able, with photos of their workers on the bottles. I remember reading feedback from a woman whose son with Downs Syndrome saw a bottle and was so thrilled to see someone like him. https://willandable.co.nz/pages/about-us
This is wonderful. Everyone has worth. I spent my entire professional career working with special needs children, trying to build their self confidence. Now I wish I lived in New Zealand even more than I did before.
Will Target bother to continue advertising displays like that? Or will all abilities be erased with their dismissal of “DEI” policies?
Nothing but pictures of perfect little white kids from now on.
Your post echoes the attached episode of N.P.R.'s Fresh Air, in which Georgetown professor Ella Washington & Harvard professor Frank Dobbin make a case to change the acronym to D.E.I.A.:
Makes me cry!!
The 1990s Burger King Kids Club promotion campaign
Included the character "Wheels"
Nothing but pictures of perfect little white kids from now on.
diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.