I came to terms with how i don't fit in anywhere and how i don't really belong to social media. there's no point for me to keep going with any socials i have because either i stop posting or because if i was to speak my mind i'd be all negative and people would be done with me real fast.
a streaming friend? me?🥹i appreciate that!
yeah, it is easy especially when the situation is constantly tough.
reading your reply made me smile. thank you. i mean it. i'm also glad to have met you! i hope i'll be able to catch more of your streams in the future!
It's not annoying :)
glad to hear c:
I watched some HeathygamerGG YouTubes and learned about brain chemistry, thoughts, feelings.
You are not any of the negative things, they are just thoughts and mental patterns.
Stop and rest, feel your body, breathe. Ask for help if you need it.
i heard of that channel! never really dived into the content but maybe i'll give it a try one day.
i still feel like i am the negative for the most part. it's not just thoughts and mental patterns but they play a big
can try to breathe but i don't think i want to do the rest since that's not gonna work. i asked for help many times long ago but it was always making things worse so i just gave up on that entirely. getting/asking for help is not for me sadly.
If you can learn to hold the possibility that something beyond your understanding could change, you will start to discover the way out.
i mean, my mind has a way out but it's not the way anyone would like me to go for. so not sure if that counts
thank you so much! there's actually a chance i may do it at some point... or just buzz you and talk in general (tho i kinda don't know what to talk about). i really appreciate you and the offer.
i appreciate that (i know i probably sound like a broken record with that but i do mean it).
yeah, that is a shitty feeling indeed (especially when mental professionals don't make you feel seen. not recommended to anyone)
people were fucking right, i just waste my life entirely for years.
sorry for being a
I know you really enjoy doing that and I'd hate for you to give up something that makes you happy.
i don't want to quit streaming on my own. it's a joy to do it and meet new people. i had and have plenty of difficulties when it comes to it but i don't want to give up on it unless there's no other choice. sadly, streaming is not
You never go in with the idea to become a full-time streamer.
What you should be doing is making side content that will filter your audience and lead them to your Twitch stream. Kind of like what I do with my videos.
if i had better environment and any peace of mind i'd probably not struggle with these things at all. but i'm constantly reminded of my situation and i can't
if anyone for some reason think of responding to it - spare your energy. it's just not worth to waste it on me.
also yes, i see notifications from like 24h. i don't know when i'll be in any mental shape to even do anything about those. i suck at interacting anyway.
i really, really wish i could do anything i put my mind to. it's funny because i was like that for a moment when i was a teen. but only for a moment. that was a fun year or two.
i no longer expect things to get better considering my health issues
you know, i may not go rant or anything but maybe i will actually? or just talk in general so i don't overwhelm you with anything.
just wanna say big, big thank you. for being here my friend🫂
sure thing! and again, thank you, that's very kind of you!🫂 and always feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to too! i want to support my friends as much as i can ❤️