That selection looks like the old Family Choice selection boxes that turn up at church teas (though I admit to a fondness for Nice biscuits, which you don't often see these days)
Still fairly easy to get (again, Morrisons, turning out to be The Proper Biscuit Shop). A very young L adored them, and I still have the shopping list which, when I got to the shop, turned out to have a very wonky written "gaRryBAldees" added at the bottom, in case I forgot the essentials.
My most missed biscuits of the past are Cafe Noir and Lemon Puffs (you can still find a biscuit calling itself a Lemon Puff but it is the wrong shape and just doesn't taste right, although this is probably because the E numbers used in the 1980s have since been banned...)
Oh, I loved Lemon Puffs and Cafe Noirs! Though ISTR I was only allowed the latter when visiting the grandparents on the grounds of them being bad for the teeth (probably true)
It's the sugar icing. That's what makes them so good. And small (even smaller than now, I mean) thought they were the last word in sophistication, almost up there with the Elephant Chocolate we very occasionally had. Cote d'Or chocolate, it would have been.