Makes sense in the majority of why people voted for her. Some thought it would "buy time" too. At the end of the day we don't get to pick those general elected officials we get to pick who we work AGAINST. Smh i’m glad I’m not the only one that felt that way when it came down to Kamala Harris I’m glad we see the same things on that. People need to learn to listen to what someone is saying before reacting.
You spit too much realness for people mental. It's your era because we need this info and to have our ideas challenged. It's not your era because it's so draining with these people and your ancestors would have understood you better. Glad you built tough🙏🏾💜💙!
The “Democratic” party needs a soul. It’s so lost with chosen saviors, that it isn’t even effective anymore. Yes, I voted for Kamala Harris, but at the same time, yes I also can see her as an agent of more of the same.
Sameness, gets us nothingness when it comes to progress. I’m with you Amanda
Just bringing a bit a levity behind a undoubtedly serious misconception folks had for the "election" [that wasn't].
Keep Informing Beautiful and Intelligent Young Lady.
Sameness, gets us nothingness when it comes to progress. I’m with you Amanda