Do you... want a link to my Wikipedia page? A photo of the bookshelf at my local Barnes and Noble? You have all of the records of my payments from the publisher! Like actual records from the government! "Yes but we need to verbally speak to your employer for verification."
The slump of the shoulders?
The nerking sway of the sleepless?
I work at a mortgage company (office, backend) and they very much discourage independent thinking. It's all "read the SOP, and I don't care if it doesn't address this"
I don't have credit. Like, the person helping us find an apt to rent showed her coworker my credit report, because she never saw that before.
TD Bank also had no idea, across multiple branches, what an Inherited IRA was, so my mother's money was a pain to deal with for 10 years.
If you receive W-2s and paystubs, then yeah, a direct VOE needs to be done with the employer.