My issue with AI is 1) for me, it malfunctions more often than any new technology of my lifetime and 2) the biggest proponents *clearly* hold it as a religious belief (This is the Second Coming, this will usher in a utopia, the unprepared will be Left Behind, so give us all the money)
Any time I see anything created by AI, I just think... THAT? Was THAT worth it? All the absolute waste, and you make THAT?
AI is the only thing they have right now.
Good band name.
Also, in all of these tech utopias they all describe, they don't mention how everyone is going to eat when they don't have jobs.
Facebook (Feb '04)
YouTube (Feb '05)
Twitter (March '06)
I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. All I know is, I don't make bets on what's a MySpace/Vine, and what's a YouTube/Twitch.
MySpace getting bought out did one thing and one thing only: Tom from MySpace is doing all right.
I want off this circus. I want off this fucking world. We're all so massively fucked.
It's all grift, man. There's no monetized anti-AI stance, because that's also AI grift in a new skin.
I'm not anti-AI just because the quality's bad, but also the unprecedented waste. Folks like me don't want to get paid to feel that.
They're also learning from you, and if they ever do stop being so incompetent, they might replace you.
You can stop right there and it's still just as valid.
There's even deadly sins, like being damned for not working towards creating the AI God.