As the temperatures plummet, we'd like to remind you that you don’t need to have a reason to come to GWL to spend time & keep warm – just come in, make yourself comfortable & let staff know if you need any help. We may not be able to meet all your needs but here’s what we can offer:
🛋️ We have comfortable chairs so you can sit & enjoy the Library.
🖼️ We have exhibitions on throughout the building – you can come & see these.
📅We have programmes of events – you can sign up & join in.
🫖You are welcome to help yourself to free tea & coffee – we’ll show you where this is.
♨️We have information on more resourced ‘warm banks’ nearby, details of other supportive organisations in Glasgow, &a community noticeboard for information about what’s on elsewhere.
🍽️We're not able to provide food, for example we don’t have a café – but you can bring your own & eat it here.
🛜 We don’t have public computers, but you can bring your own devices to charge them & use our public Wi-Fi for free.
We look forward to seeing you, a warm welcome awaits!