Friends - looking for examples of individuals, community groups, etc, who are stepping up in this moment. When people say, “I don’t know what to do,” what/who are you pointing them to?
Links + handles appreciated. ♥️
Links + handles appreciated. ♥️
From free child care for first responders during the recent wildfires, helping immigrants, teaching teens about civic government, water safety, and so much more. FYI The Palisades/Malibu YMCA was lost to the wildfires.
Maybe I misunderstood something...
This is how to use your platform, power, and influence!! We need help, assistance, forums where we can gather and plan.
Vocal Seniority in Bend, Oregon
affiliated with Indivisible
[email protected]
Also, tragically, I live in district. So will work hard to make sure she is defeated
Thanks for the post!
In the immortal words of James Carville: IT IS A COUP STUPID
Someone told me recently to pick two or three causes you are passionate about and focus on those. Everything is so overwhelming.