According to Israel there was an Islamic jihadist terròrist cell inside!!!
When is the rest of the world going to stop believing these lies. Israel just doesn’t want any witnesses to what it is doing. More journalists have died in Gaza than anywhere else-a war crime.
I don't see what Israel has to do with gas and oil.
I thought this was all about destroying an undesirable neighbor and stealing their land so they can build dozens of gaudy Trump towers on the beach.
We don't need them.
Let the ME figure out their own problems. I don't want to be associated with the genocide of a people by an evil criminal like Netanyahu.
Gaza strip has oil and gas offshore in its EEZ. Or what would be it's EEZ should Palestine achieve statehood. The Israelis want it for themselves and the Yanks.
When is the rest of the world going to stop believing these lies. Israel just doesn’t want any witnesses to what it is doing. More journalists have died in Gaza than anywhere else-a war crime.
They are both terrorist states. Neither is our friend or ally.
Russia is furthering their own.
It’s a business rivalry with a plainly visible body count
I thought this was all about destroying an undesirable neighbor and stealing their land so they can build dozens of gaudy Trump towers on the beach.
The support they get from the USA is so the USA can have a "friend" they can use.
Let the ME figure out their own problems. I don't want to be associated with the genocide of a people by an evil criminal like Netanyahu.