NOW TIME TO STOP Rumps Presidency... Text: SIGN PYQWKA to send to Pres. Biden & Congress. Text: SIGN PUIEWA For State Governments To Verify the 2024 Election Results and Demand proper Vetting for all Rump Officials!! #dumpthetrump #theresistance #electionfraud #neversayhisname #donotobeyinadvance
This may be your not chance to stop #fascism before it really takes hold in 🇺🇸. Otherwise, your grandchildren may still be fighting for their freedom from Barron tRump. DJT has threatened a Kim style dynasty & Melania hinted at it after the election. #WakeUpNow
We have to figure out what "fighting" actually means so that we can do things, not just think things. I'm sorry to say I had no idea what the answer is, but the question is very clear.
Can't feel good about AMERICA™
lately. Politics is a septic tank, sports
is still a Roman circus and we make
movies celebrating villainy more than
heroism (Joker 2, Kraven, Venom, etc).
I've seen America abandon the Black
Community, the LGBTQ, the poor,
Women, now reason itself is abandoned?
The government is not your friend.
The #Government:
#Agents of #Violence and #Death
#Politics #Law #Killing
lately. Politics is a septic tank, sports
is still a Roman circus and we make
movies celebrating villainy more than
heroism (Joker 2, Kraven, Venom, etc).
I've seen America abandon the Black
Community, the LGBTQ, the poor,
Women, now reason itself is abandoned?