Yeah, like some winterized guns and such. Or I guess the halo magnum haha
I assumed you wouldn't necessarily call the pistol grip bar a trigger guard, but I suppose it makes sense it would still be called such.
When the Canadian flag was changed from the old Red Ensign to the new one in 1965, Canadians submitted 3,541 designs to be considered by Government. This is one of those designs and the one chosen in this setting
Welcome to The Future! We have:
- Space Comintern
- Space Canada
- Space Britain
- Friendly Neighborhood Armaments Megacorp(TM)
- France. Just France. Only now parts of the Moon and a couple asteroids are part of the Sixth French Republic (by the grace of a very fed up de Gaulle de Cybernétique).
I assumed you wouldn't necessarily call the pistol grip bar a trigger guard, but I suppose it makes sense it would still be called such.
- Space Comintern
- Space Canada
- Space Britain
- Friendly Neighborhood Armaments Megacorp(TM)
- France. Just France. Only now parts of the Moon and a couple asteroids are part of the Sixth French Republic (by the grace of a very fed up de Gaulle de Cybernétique).
The others are also great, I'm loving your recent works.