Breaking: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office says he will go to the floor later today “and ask for unanimous consent to pass the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying (PRESS) Act.”
The bill already passed the House.
Background here:
The bill already passed the House.
Background here:
This is the way.
I know, just the messenger blah blah blah. But for fuck's sake, no trigger warning?
What's next? Trump Collective gonna rewrite the Preamble so I can't sing it anymore? School House Rock may be the last bastion of Goodness left in this world.
But you gained a follower, soooooooooooooo
#IWasKidding 😅
Because mine was damaged with the best of intentions (I intended to reach through the Internet and pop that bulbous head off), I expect you're off the hook.
For now.
You just proved Santa is real, with Science.
I fucking love Bluesky.
to Veterans, Seniors and disabled . Big on bullying and tiny on fairness and compassion.
Journalists don’t make things up like he does.
Journalists don’t lie in their reporting.
Journalists report what he says, or does.
Liars like him are the ones who need to be restrained.
He’s delusional and they all know he is.
CNN rolled over like an eager dog.
It'll be interesting to see if any Senators declare for despotism.
Tommy Tuberville? ;-)
Never saw that coming.
Get to President Biden for signature today.
Joe Sign today.
Reserve 1.
Free press is in constitution.
Donald wants to spy on journalists.
He will anyway.