The Pleiades are bright enough and cover a small area not to be a problem. If I took a very long exposure then maybe a satellite would cross their path.
I just noticed whilst observing through my binoculars how the Pleiades look like a third dipper in the sky when looked at from the right angle. That is pattern recognition for you lol
Here on the west coast of the US, I know it's officially autumn when I walk outside at 6am and have a clear view from Sirius through Orion into Taurus in the western sky. It's like coming home.
My dad told me decades ago that when he was in the US Navy they used this cluster as an eye test. If sailors counted 7 they passed the test. Not sure how accurate this memory or test is! Just one of those stories I often think about when I see the constellation. ✨
I was a member of an art gallery in Durham NC (the bull city) called Pleiades. Cool reference to the constellation but no one knew how to pronounce it! 🤣
I have such a great unobstructed view of the western sky. Merv & I sit on the balcony & I 💭 I ought to buy a star chart so I know name of what the hell I’m seeing.
Comin' from the space to teach you of the Pleiades?
I only learned that a few years ago, so I thought I'd share.
Considering I haven't driven anything but since '93, and the logo just happens to be the constellation. It was a smack my head moment.
Which is where the car company gets it name and the famous logo.
The more you know.☺️
Why can I see it better w my peripheral vision?
It might mean I need an eye doctor!