In Bakersfield, California, 75 percent of workers aren't showing up. That's horrifying for everyone. The Central Valley is "America's Fruit Basket" -- they supply 25 percent of the nation's fruit, nuts, and other food products. Crops will rot in the fields and prices will skyrocket.
Not to mention they contribute to the national coffers, 83 billion dollars in revenue. More so than any other state in the Union. And yes, the fact that they are also a bread basket.
Aren't these those jobs the maga chuds have been crying about? I figured there would be a sea of red hats out in the fields already! Get to work, Jethro.
MAGA won’t do this work, obviously, but if they did, they’d have a lot more respect for the people who do. When I was a teen, I helped harvest grapes for the raisins for our church’s food program. It’s such hard work and the people who do it make our communities and lives better.
maybe we should require public service for two years post graduation where this might be where you are assigned. LIke a mission but without an imaginary friend and instead working on supportive infrastructure like universal healthcare and our food chain.