Is it wrong for me to think that anyone from the US should be deported back to the states in light of our mass deportations or is that an argument I shouldn't dare start?
So yeah, that's wrong if me to ask or think because some folks are escaping legit persecution from here... which still fucks with my head to say America & persecution in the same sentence.
When I went to Asia, we had to go to a pharmacy to ask for some drugs and they gave us a disgusted look and said "we don't carry obsolete backwards medicine like that".
"Norway calls the US underdeveloped"
If education & health services are compared among industrialized countries, indeed, the US is underdeveloped.
Sad but true.
That's because you are under developed. Most of the rest of the world is on to bigger problems in their systems like hospital wait times, early education costs for citizens, ya know shit that matters to the individual voter not stuck back on trying not to get fucked by big pharma and medical bills
I mean fair is fair imo.
Norway's not recommending its people return home now
If education & health services are compared among industrialized countries, indeed, the US is underdeveloped.
Sad but true.
Thanks to Republicans.
These numbers don’t lie.
So much exceptionalism propaganda to deconstruct!