This is an important reason why term limits are needed.
Being a career politician skews your priorities and creates a perpetual cycle of corruption and weakness, always afraid of offending the powers that be, always with the eye on getting reelected.
Term limits failed in CA. The result was leadership positions becoming powerless and filled with newbies. Lobbyists walked all over them. Nothing gets done in CA anymore w/o a ballot initiative. Be careful what you wish for.
Yeah, I guess I neglected to mention that we very seriously need to eliminate lobbyists.
I would venture to say they definitely are the poison that keeps the gears of our hopelessly corrupt political system well oiled, moving, and well funded.
I've been saying that this country is being held hostage by stupid people.
Ignorance is forgivable. It's fixed with information and education. When you stubbornly and proudly stay ignorant, and don't allow your opinions to change with new information. You are STUPID.
So what you get primaried! Then you do what every other person does, you move on. At least you can do so with your head held high knowing in your heart of hearts you did the right thing. Speak up! Stand up! Be a hero!
My feeling is that most of them are glad this is happening. The party has for quite some time been filled with racists, religious hypocrites, and power-hungry degenerates.
Hopefully she realizes this is the world that she worked so freaking hard to usher in.
A billionaire can threaten elected officials with a completely funded primary if you do not bend to that billionaires whim is the system she pointed at and said...I want it.
Being a career politician skews your priorities and creates a perpetual cycle of corruption and weakness, always afraid of offending the powers that be, always with the eye on getting reelected.
Politics should never be a lifelong career.
I would venture to say they definitely are the poison that keeps the gears of our hopelessly corrupt political system well oiled, moving, and well funded.
Ignorance is forgivable. It's fixed with information and education. When you stubbornly and proudly stay ignorant, and don't allow your opinions to change with new information. You are STUPID.
A billionaire can threaten elected officials with a completely funded primary if you do not bend to that billionaires whim is the system she pointed at and said...I want it.