Maryanne (Mrs. Trump) says, yes do the cunnilingus but first use the $30 to buy a nice local treat for her(maybe you have a bakery in the neighborhood). The EFFORT is important.
Go to Dollar Tree and make a little gift basket with her favorite chips and candy. Probably can get a cute mug or something too. Can get a good little Barefoot wine or flowers from the grocery store, or a book if she’s a reader, a couple if you find a decent thrift store. You have options!
I’ve seen a lot of great ideas and I think this is perfect for someone who may be privileged enough to have a woman in his life even if his funds are low. Or a young man who wants to get some thing for a young lady.
Dollar General has single stem roses for $2.50 a piece. You can go to Dollar Tree and grab a Vday basket and fill it with some candy, some spa products, a stuffed animal and grab a ballon.
Buy her a single rose and a card that has no words inside it. Write her something. If you don't know what to write, take inspiration from the more expensive cards.
A card, her favorite candy
& Some flowers from the supermarket. Gift bags are cheap at the 99¢ store
¹ thorough does NOT mean rough, son, it means with a commitment to patience. you go until she tells you to stop
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