Well, it pays to keep in mind that, to the average braindead Trump voter, anyone with a college degree is an "elite," and not to be trusted. On the other hand, they see rich money-grubbing sociopaths like Trump and Musk as their new gods, who must be venerated above all others.
Who was running the country the past 4 years? If you say Biden, you're wrong because he was obviously having issues. Point is, elites are on both sides.
Elites on both sides but only one side is looking to remove freedoms & make life harder for workers. Only one side is angry that regulations exist to protect our environment.
They are all “good” people? America will remain the land of opportunity. Except this time the country will attract thugs and criminals. Not looking good for working class. The system will become more corrupt and may become the best third world country to make a buck. Legally!!
Oh, they will definitely change the systems. As they have already told us, they will be removing taxes and regulations (e.g. a wide variety of public health regulations, worker protections, investment conflicts of interest, etc.) that have kept them from hoarding even more wealth.
People who worry about the price of eggs elected people who don’t know how to cook, that never see the inside of a supermarket and couldn't care less about how much they spend on food. Makes perfect sense.
Sadly, MAGAts were duped by a bunch of people who wouldn't even bid them the time of day!! So gullible! Can't think for themselves! Need fox entertainment to tell them how to think! 😡🤦♀️ The cult members haven't mentioned the price of eggs since the election. And the price hasn't gone down!
It's amazing how that worked!! I guess it wasn't an issue after all? Or, manufactured! Looked good on mainstream media! I can't bring myself to call it news when they can not be bothered with reporting the facts!! Or, the truth!!
Pretty much a “let them eat cake” group, loaded with felons and liars. Just what the majority of dumbass voters - the 99% who these crooks steal from - wanted.
I bet Dr. Oz with his paltry $100 million, wants to learn how to leverage his position and connections to join the billionaire boys club. It’s embarrassing to be the poorest little rich boy on the list.
Yeah, and he heads "Crypto Comm" whatever tf that is. Shouldn't he be one of the wealthiest if crypto is legit? It is supposedly an investment instrument, no? JFC
I don't know it seems to me if the convicted felon rapist really had a connection to the working class he'd have a cabinet of working class people not a cabinet of billionaires just saying.
But according to Fox News, the word at the diner in Indiana is that they understand them. They talk in plain English and care about them. Just wait til the price of eggs comes down...you'll see. In two weeks.
I know it won’t happen, but I would love to see legislation where if you’re a department head of any government agency or position, you’re salary and net worth can’t exceed that of the national average. Both at a state level and the federal level.
How much is actual money, and how much is current stock, investments wealth? I often think, on paper, we could be worth more, but if you had to grab physical cash to pay for something, it would be a lot less.
If you're worth hundreds of millions of dollars, however you quantify such assets, your motivation will be to protect and grow those assets, especially when you're in a position to determine policies ranging from deregulation to taxation.
In the maga mind since they all have more money than the average person can imagine they must’ve done something right & are really smart & savvy. So they will do the country good. If they do well so will we. How do you combat that kind of thinking? You can’t, they have to feel the pain themselves.
There's a persistent strain of anti-Semitism throughout Western history, though it's different now. Still, I wonder what the supremacist evangelical faction of MAGA thinks about the Jewish appointments since they think Judaism is evil? I guess their eschatology can rationalize anything.
When the history is written it will read like much of what was written in post-war Germany with many claiming, "I didn't support him or his cause". But in modern day Germany young people have come to accept the truth and recognize the incredible destruction Hitler brought down upon Europe.
You will not convince those who voted for a racist/misogynist, as they already know they are voting against their best interests, but aligned with those who share their immorality.
We need the 6M voters who thought they could sit down, or criticize leaders who pulled them from a burning inferno.
I’m sure all these people are going to be very concerned about the price of eggs - I’m sure they will be asking their personal nannies, chefs & personal shoppers everyday about that issue.
Nope. No blessings from me. I trend to get fired up. No offense to you, or all the good people on here. Let’s try & have a good day; thinking of how we can defeat the Scumbag SHYSTERS now getting ready to STEAL From, Deplete, & Destroy, ALL OUR AGENCIES!
It’s sickening what the rich have done to this country. What’s worse is that the people have allowed it. It’s time to make it stop. Vote OUT the oligarchs puppets ON BOTH SIDES. Put REAL people who understand what REAL people go through in charge. Add age and term limits. End Citizens united.
The people who enabled it are the unelected SCOTUS justices.
It was our elected officials who confirmed their appointments.
Do you think the Republicans would have just sat on their hands if the Democrats refused to consider a nominee due to the president being a lame duck.
Well, the Democrats did!
They are all about the hierarchy. As long as they’re not on the bottom (that’s where Black, Hispanic and any other non-white people belong) they’re good. They think rich people are rich because they’re smarter and more godly than everyone else. To them, the world is as it should be now.
We Blues know this. We’ve lived with the problems it causes, as has the Centrists, and the Reds and the MAGAs. Sadly, no MAGAs are going to see this. Unless you post it on x. (Ugh)
Easily, the most inept, incompetent, criminally geared administration in history. Most people are oblivious to this stunning list of miscreants. They will be played and sabotaged by the staff at the agencies they are out to destroy. Whatever is happening now ain’t nothing.
We all know this horrible stuff on here. It needs to he posted on the right wing whacko sites. I say that knowing full well it'll be denied, blocked, removed and forgotten quicker than any one of Trump's countless crimes.
Posting on X or truth social has limited value. Each of you need to build and cultivate your own communities, however big or small, bring in people with different perspectives and have these discussions...without being drowned out by bots and trolls.
I live in rural Ohio and the town next to me has a larger than life sign right in the middle of town saying "T R U M P 2 0 2 4: The Rise of the Working Class"
So of 15 officials, 12 are billionaires and the others are simply very, very rich. The only thing they plan on doing are passing laws that line their own pockets.
The problem is while they line their pockets they're going to be plundering ours. Musk said his plan to slash $2 trillion in spending will crash the American economy and Americans will have to suffer economic pain under their policies.
Just imagine what could be accomplished if we taxed any wealth over 1 billion 100%. Just from this list alone we could end the hunger, housing and energy crisis we have in the country.
Is it catastrophizing to be alarmed that ABC paid 15 million to Trump for “defamation” that wasn’t actually defamation because he has threatened broadcast licenses? Destroying the free press and our side is “catastrophizing”? No sir. We are properly freaked the fuck out.
Words used to matter, so did checks and balance. The Supreme Court granting nearly blanket immunity from criminal conviction has basically made Trump a king. If you’re relying on what the checks and balances are supposed to do, you’re dreaming. Because that’s gone. Congress will do what he wants
MAGA sees the amount of money they have and think they’ll get rich too because these guys are “smart” so of course they’ll make everyone else successful.
Cause as we all know, you get mega rich by teamwork and not at all by undercutting or stepping on others or exploitation
that looks like draining the swamp to me! I bet those that only have hundreds of millions are jealous and they’re being ostracized by those in the billions
I was hoping this was a list of sorts. It sure looks like one from my perspective given these assholes have ground my family down into a fine powder & keep grinding even tho there's nothing left. Being a billionaire should be illegal since you have to be a crook to get that rich. All rich ppl suck
I borrowed this for my FB page. I think it is important enough for me to withstand the backlash there. I don’t make political statements there for a reason.
It IS the fucking swamp! People are so dumb, they think these guys are going to make sure there's equity in the country. That's hilarious. Dudes, it's going to be "how can they make themselves richer". It has nothing to do with making OUR lives better. Fucking idiots.
That's where we are.
They're not even hiding it anymore! 😠
Like in the dark ages, few and very rich people rules. What a step back in time for the US.
So exploited by the rich.So far behind and now this!
10% owns 67%
50% owns 2½%
- No universal healthcare
- No free education
- No 6 weeks vacation
- No paid parental leave
- ...
,lol, and my intuitive text didn’t even recognize that word 😂 he must be the hardest worker ever 🤭😂🤣
We need the 6M voters who thought they could sit down, or criticize leaders who pulled them from a burning inferno.
We the People want to know EXACTLY where they got their money from over the last 12 months.
It was our elected officials who confirmed their appointments.
Do you think the Republicans would have just sat on their hands if the Democrats refused to consider a nominee due to the president being a lame duck.
Well, the Democrats did!
2024: "But eggs and gas"
And both times, a whole bunch of people didn't vote.
Then we wonder why, America. Then we wonder why.
Half of trumps picks are based on whether he recognizes their name or not.
Here they are.
...he's a lightweight...
It's mind boggling.
Indeed. That is absolutely the problem, "our pockets" including social welfare programs, healthcare services, education and even law and order.
Who are billionaires!
Cause as we all know, you get mega rich by teamwork and not at all by undercutting or stepping on others or exploitation
I always ask if these folks have a favorite Dollar General Store like normal folks
We're just expendable pawns and serfs.
The longtime GOP goal of Caesarism is bending under the desire for more power/wealth.
They will come for more, then attack each other.