Of course he exaggerates the trade deficits, as he does the quantities of fentanyl coming in.
His trade wars are built on bullshit.
His abandonment of Ukraine is built on lies.
His decimation of our government is built on fiction.
His trade wars are built on bullshit.
His abandonment of Ukraine is built on lies.
His decimation of our government is built on fiction.
Not wildly exaggerating.
Trump is a builder & was going to pass an Infrastructure Bill...NO
Trump was going to deliver Better & Cheaper Healthcare...NO
Trump was going to pay off National Debt...NO
All you Trump voters can see the pattern - HE LIES.
26 million vehicles enter the US from Canada each year.
Wouldn't it be a hoot if, instead of stopping fentanyl, Canadians decided to supply it for free.
51st state, my ass
Better dead than red, white and blue
*Oh, of course I know why they give him a pass.
Canada has close to 40 million
Of course there's going to be a trade deficit
America subsidizes dairy farmers. Lactose intolerant US taxpayers buy milk.
Make that make sense?
...and fnck your milk, keep it there. 🖕🐮
Gee, I’m shocked.
Repeatedly said it.
And 49% voted to re-elect him.
USA is half nutz.
Checks and balances my ass.
Y’all are fuked.
Enjoy the ride to ruin.
It's quite literally everything he has and everything he is
Sure, it could be in there, but it's very time consuming and unpleasant to even attempt.
Get on that!
Ulbricht is about to be adopted into Drumpfs fold to help with that scam:
Revolution is now!
Damn it your right!
The old guard is gone.
Are we moving forward?
We have
3 choices
or resist.
His face is crafted from unadulterated bullshit.
If anyone doesn’t understand this, there’s no hope for them..
He thinks we are losing billions because we buy more products from a country than they buy from us.
It's not a loss. It's purchasing goals. Jfc.
That, and theft. Trump and Musk are ending government programs so there’s more available tax money to steal.
wildly exaggerated
just how wrong Trump's numbers are
Trump's claims
number not even close to correct
distant from reality
massive exaggerations
wrong once more
not actually close to the truth
They continue to sane wash & normalize a blatant liar.
Is DT only mode of communication
He is a liar to his core.
*no business sense at all
But in seriousness, the more of these reports the better. We need to show people the he is full of shit.
Loyalty to Putin
The only state that collects metrics on migrant crime in Texas. Migrants commit 3/4 as many crimes as citizens. Undocumented migrants commit 1/2 as many crimes as citizens.
There's no excuse for that level of stupidity in a "leader". You should have to pass a test before you can run.
if the lie is half full....it's still a lie
All 4 domestic oligarchs, foreign dictators & power elites, a betrayal of 🇺🇦 , & an unfunded tax cut 4 the rich..
…in exchange 4 a fascist Unitarian presidency, backed by a MAGA SCOTUS/GOP , & Project 2025 corporate donors.🤬