"When faced with two awful choices, pick the one that requires less courage."
- The Art of Losing, by Chuck Schumer
- The Art of Losing, by Chuck Schumer
SAD day for this old lady, her children, her grandchildren and her great grandchilden. All I can tell them is, I tried!
I still remember those meetings with him, Pelosi, Trump, and Pence, and he would always have that same weak oblivious look on his face.
When the worst person you know thinks you're doing the right thing, a major life choices audit is needed
Maybe he's decided your Jewish again instead of Palestinian?
Keep your fingers crossed Chuck, dreams really can come true!
For you anyway, I guess.
Is he Chuck?
Don’t forget to brush your teeth before you kiss your wife 🖕
Schumer needs to resign today.
It'll be the "pretend game" from here on out. Pretend to go one way and right hook the other at the last minute, all while destroying the country.
Mitch never took anything the opposition did lying down, even when he was on the losing side.
You might say the GOP couldn't do it without him!
There can only be one response from Schumer:
"Donald, Keep my fkking religion out of your fkking mouth or I'll take it out of your fkking mouth for you"
Of course Schumer doesn't even respond.
And sorry I could not travel both
The signs all said I fucking should,
But I took as much cash as I could
Ass-down face-up in the undergrowth.
He’s betrayed not only the Democratic Party but the jewish community as well😡
We are calling/posting to demand @schumer.senate.gov vote no on cloture for the House-passed Continuing Resolution, and move to pass a clean CR instead. It is vital that Congress take back their constitutional power of the purse and work to block Elon Musk’s control of our government.
I don't think he's afraid, but I do wonder if his best interest is different than ours.
So after this embarrassing fiasco of failed leadership, can 24 of our Senators PLEASE call for new party leadership elections?
Schumer and Durbin: OUT
"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to seek justice."
~ Jack Smith,
Special Counsel, DOJ
He doesn’t have the courage or the storm the beach take no prisoners mind set.
It’s a gun fight and he wants to use finger paint.
We need a warrior!
Democratic Party = GOP LeftWingMan
Same thing goes for the House minority leadership.
The Democratic Party establishment is beholden to the same Super Citizenry that the GOP is beholden to, thanks to Citizens United v FEC.
The Democrats have to do more than endlessly rationalize their behavior and whine on cable news.
Schumer but
advanced aging
absolutely a factor here in his case I believe
Not everyone in this age group
mentality deteriorate
the same
he fondly went
on and on down memory lane of past baseball heros greats
he loved
we had just experienced
our records
is telling
Which is a weird argument. Who care how fast it is? He needs to be stopped.
Chuck Schumer.
That being said, we are watching a very necessary realignment. We should absolutely get rid of these people, or at the very least force them to become moderate republicans.
The democrats can be split into two groups: people that want to fight now before it gets worse and people that are willing to cave and ride it out. If you have money, you’re more willing to ride it out. The rest of us really don’t have that option.
Who could’ve seen this coming?
Always been a loyal democrat because they’ve consistently been the lesser of two evils. But non-voters tell me Dems don’t care. Disillusionment is real and this is what is going to kill the Democratic Party.
Please update your style guide.
I don't buy in to ASSHATTRUMP words .
It would not matter which way the vote went.
Why is it so easy to forget who you are dealing with here?.
He gets chaos..now he lives the kick Schumer is getting.
I wanna know more about if the vote went NO.
What were the consequences?
Call Gillibrand’s office
Tell them to reverse this idiotic decision
@schumer.senate.gov you are failing this country.
Let’s all give him the biz
A. Accelerate
B. Slow or stop
Episode 64: Dems May Back GOP Bill to Avert Gov’t Shutdown (If There’s Any Gov’t Left to Shut Down)
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Potify (for poker players).
#Schumer #Trump
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
If we fight now, they are less entrenched, & easier to topple.
Placating them is like voluntarily going into the woods with you abductor. You have less than 10% chance of surviving
And here we are.
And it’s only starting to suck. There’s gonna be plenty of suck ahead; so much sucking, “the likes of which has never been seen before!”
of Democrats.
We #demandcouragenow
I just called CHUCK SCHUMER and left him a voicemail!
📞His voicemail box is open! 📞
☎️📩Get on the phone!
1 (202) 224-6542
Tell him to VOTE NO on cloture for continuing resolution and instead push a CLEAN CR!
He needs to do the right thing for We, the People!!!
I’m so disappointed in these so called Democratic leaders.
Time for Chuck to go.
He was given that power by voters... At least that's what they tell us.
But I'm starting to have my doubts. 🤨
Or "Make tons of money while working for the people and then retire on a gov pension. All the while receiving more than most people make in a month" could be in his or Mitch "the turtlehead"'s book.
If the gov't shuts down Trump and Musk will use their Exec powers to GUT THE PLACE WITH NO GUARDRAILS.
That would have been the fastest way for Trump and Elon to dissolve the whole fucking place.
Trump and Elon keep losing in the courts. Even right America is increasingly pissed.
You and I understand each other's positions.
Can we agree to respectfully disagree?
We needed strength enough for a face off.
Even the union for federal employees wanted the shut down over capitulation.
Be well
Why can't they have secret ballots in Congress?
There would be a completely different result, they wouldn't have to show how cowardly they are.
(https://payhip.com/b/LcjxT) *Guarantee *
They are the on the same side in the battle of Democracy and Fascism.
Thanks, Chuck.