I think the Kremlin's scum doesn't care at all about this tiny territory that the Ukrainian army has occupied and that it has no impact on the negotiations.
Yes, that territory. Same size would have costed Ukraine a lot more blood in the southern or eastern Ukraine. It also forced russia to move some of their units to Kursk from occupied territories and destroyed the myth about “impenetrable russia”.
You hit them where they’re weak, take land where you can, 40,000 russian dead and wounded in Kursk so far. If not for the Kursk action those troops would be in Ukraine. Better they die in their homeland.
There was a strategical, logistical and political value in occupying Kursk.
People just tend to measure the ground taken, not the cost to take/defend it. Even less the cost beyond casualty numbers.
Would you rather have a paint fight at your home or someone elses?
Also, I believe it's much less fortified than the other directions.
People just tend to measure the ground taken, not the cost to take/defend it. Even less the cost beyond casualty numbers.