Anyone who ever went to church should know how fucking nuts this is.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Trump Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt: "It was supposed to be a unifying and bipartisan church service ... everybody there was shocked and mortified by the disturbing comments from this bishop who chose to weaponize the pulpit ... she spewed lies."
Are these braindead people for real?
You can litterally just watch the sermon, but I guess watching one sermon that doesn't tell you who to vote for is just beyond these "christians".
He occupies (rightly or wrongly) the highest office in the land, perhaps even the world, with unimaginable power at his beck and call. And he fumes because he is not adored 24/7 for it.
How is that a lie? It's a request to look at America through a Christian (or religious) lens.
Trump & GOP Go to War Against Christianity
Spokesperson attacks Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as “Lies” and “Disturbing” while Trump labels it “Nasty.” Christians whisper that Trump has gone off the deep end, blame it on age-related senility.
And where the collection plate is actually huge-ass vacuum that sucks out anything of monetary value from every nook and cranny of the faithful.
But not to guns, of course.
Trump Bible...
No matter what church, no matter what religion.
Also, Claudia Sheinbaum got an app developed so if you do get stopped by ice and need an attorney, all you have to do is click a button and it immediately contacts the nearest mexican consulate!
First time hearing that one for him, I think.
There, I fixed that
Matthew 12:43-45:
“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none.
What they’re saying turns my stomach and infuriates me.
-enough in helping “them”
Twist & repeat:
-“supposed to be a unifying and bipartisan church service”
-“weaponize the pulpit”
If you were indoctrinated to only believe in Adam and Eve, her statement is wicked!
The only ones shocked and mortified there were the guilty.