So very proud of our PM. He has gotten us through the worst storms in history, despite the constant vile attacks from the RW idiots. And he is still fighting for us. I am sincerely going to miss him. ✌🏻❤️🇨🇦
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Wish our PM was like that. Ours just sucks the balls of a the biggest trouble making compulsive lying narcissist and cuts funding to the needy of our country. Priorities completely wrong 😑
The MSM (owned by Republicans) did everything they could to make him look like the bad guy. From the misleading wording on headlines, his pic on wrong stories, manipulating stories into lies...he still stayed positive and tried to help every Canadian (while fighting russian backed conservatives)
Me too. I am never forgiving the MPs who stabbed him in the back, Pukey Poilievre for his constant barrage of lies and last but not least, our right wing media for allowing and transmitting Pukey's lies.
Did you see her throw Trudeau under the bus when she was on the Bill Maher Show?
She let Maher lie about idling laws being federal when they are municipal and just as in the US, cities have various idling laws.
He was on about identity politics & virtue signalling.
Is Climate Change a hoax to both?
Yes, I did. I didn't find her very impressive.
Despite being brilliant in many ways, she doesn't come across well. And yes, she threw PMT under the bus yet again. He sure has endured a lot but keeps giving his all for 🇨🇦 right to the end. I'll miss him a greatly.
Bill's such a whiner! I watch it on YouTube the next day, so if it's too off the wall, I turn it off. Last Friday's show was the best in a while. His guests were very knowledgeable and competent. Fareed
Zakaria and Rahm Emanuel. Good discussions. And Ms. Freeland was the 1st guest.
I watched it on YT, too. I stopped watching Maher years ago when he snubbed Stephanie Miller as she was waiting to come on. He had invited her. He's too Libertarian for me anyway. Whining about people having rights by calling it identity politics & virtue signaling. Screw him.
Yes, unprofessional and very petty. I was so disappointed in her. I was a big supporter of hers. She's quite brilliant and talented but after turning on PMT, I'm angry at her.
🇨🇦 first!
The billionaire American owned mass media and social platforms wanted him gone. They staged a campaign to bring down his popularity. The right wing bought into it and it even convinced many in his own caucus to turn on him. I hope he's able to play an active role in the fight for democracy.
Aside from Project 25, I’m hearing about an American First program that’s behind the Project. Haven’t checked it out but I will. Trump America First, Poilievre Canada First. Apparently its history is shameful. Not to conservatives maybe.
My godmother worked for him when he was PM. Nobody in my family is conservative now. What he was doing was abhorrent enough for her to quit. I hate to use the adage but it’s a clear and present danger to Canada as a nation.
I really wish reading ‘PARTY OF ONE’ was Mandatory to be able to vote! (I know, I know! Don’t @ me everyone…just really sick of people either NOT voting, or NOT UNDERSTANDING what they are voting for!) 😞😞😞😞
He has been evil since day one. He is hateful, evil, bad temper (bet your gm can attest to that!), and greedy for power. Losing to Trudeau made him even more dangerous. He will never get over that.
There’s nothing Cons are ashamed about any more. Harper said : ‘When I am done with Canada you won’t recognize it’. And he has been working towards that end for decades. Head of IDU. Read Party of One. He was even too RW for Preston Manning! (And I think PP is his kid. He was 20 when PP was born.)
After Trudeau's speech at the UN when Ruzzia first invaded Ukraine where he received 3 standing ovations, all our press talked about was that 2 EU MPs didn't like it.
Those MPs were members of AfD, the pro-Putin far right party of Germany.
American owned media pushing Ruzzian propaganda for years.
Oh I am well aware! I worked for 5 PMs. I saw the conniving of Mulroney (if I hear ‘Irish Eyes’ my bp goes up!), and the evil of Harper, which is why I gave up part of my pension to retire early. I saw it coming with Harper and GWB….I saw the ‘travel expense claims’…what average Cdn doesn’t know.😡😡
I think she would be good on the Carney team. She has incredibly strong negotiating skills. I was impressed with all 4 on the debate stage. What a treat to watch a civil debate! All 4 had good ideas, and if they could work together, would be an amazing team! Time will tell if egos can be put away!
As am I 😢♥️ I couldn’t have imagined any of the other “leaders” leading us through the pandemic. And now he’s representing Canada in the best possible ways on the world stage. #IStandWithTrudeau
PET is my hero. He did so much for Canadians' rights. He was highly respected on the world stage & he taught his son to be a good, decent person.
Too bad Canadians keep falling for Con lies. We would still own PetroCan if they didn't. We could have had a fund like the one Norway has.
I know. I worked for 5 PMs. Mulroney was a charismatic snake. His wife was the witch of the absolutely horrible, evil DIVA. Chretien and his wife were so kind, down to earth, intelligent people. And the ONLY PM to have a TRUE BALANCED BUDGET. Don’t get me started on Harper..
I remember Mulroney's border smuggling case. Mulroney screwed us by selling PetroCan. I was furious when he was elected. Harper was even worse and is still interfering with his IDU and its Republican members.
Conservatives are just the northern chapter of the Republican Party.
JT expected premiers to do the jobs. They didn’t and used their power to point all blame onto the PM.
This is where JT failed. He expected Canadians knew who what where all actions from all levels of government came from.
The Con premiers failed, not PMT. Their main intent is destruction to our 🇨🇦 way of life.
No 1 target privatize HC.Look at Smith in Alberta.Ford is starving HC. Galen Weston building his Maple Health brand to be #1 in private HC in Ont. Ford doing business w Musk for Starlink why not a Cdn company.
Canadians SHOULD know by now, at the VERY LEAST, that health and education are Provincial responsibilities. But you get nimrods like Singh who doesn’t know or likes to stir the pot with his mis statements which doesn’t help. EVERYTHING ISN’T the PMs fault
American Fascists own the so-called "Canadian media".
They vilified him for years and their high paid Canadian talking-head symps like Andrew Coyne and Rex Murphy willingly bent the knee for personal relevance.
Carney's lucky that PMJT's keeps the spotlights off him, while still representing Canada well on the world stage.
The MSM (owned by Republicans) did everything they could to make him look like the bad guy. From the misleading wording on headlines, his pic on wrong stories, manipulating stories into lies...he still stayed positive and tried to help every Canadian (while fighting russian backed conservatives)
Never Freeland.
She let Maher lie about idling laws being federal when they are municipal and just as in the US, cities have various idling laws.
He was on about identity politics & virtue signalling.
Is Climate Change a hoax to both?
Despite being brilliant in many ways, she doesn't come across well. And yes, she threw PMT under the bus yet again. He sure has endured a lot but keeps giving his all for 🇨🇦 right to the end. I'll miss him a greatly.
Zakaria and Rahm Emanuel. Good discussions. And Ms. Freeland was the 1st guest.
🇨🇦 first!
Those MPs were members of AfD, the pro-Putin far right party of Germany.
American owned media pushing Ruzzian propaganda for years.
Too bad Canadians keep falling for Con lies. We would still own PetroCan if they didn't. We could have had a fund like the one Norway has.
Conservatives are just the northern chapter of the Republican Party.
This is where JT failed. He expected Canadians knew who what where all actions from all levels of government came from.
No 1 target privatize HC.Look at Smith in Alberta.Ford is starving HC. Galen Weston building his Maple Health brand to be #1 in private HC in Ont. Ford doing business w Musk for Starlink why not a Cdn company.
They vilified him for years and their high paid Canadian talking-head symps like Andrew Coyne and Rex Murphy willingly bent the knee for personal relevance.