There are essentially only two OEM paint manufacturers in the West - PPG and AkzoNobel. Their margin only really matters in aerospace and military paints, and they only really make white, black and 4 greys in huge volume. The car industry gets what it's given
been taken by the wine red 1995 buick century i see on my new daily walks. I think this is why a lot of people have taken to decking their cars with stickers tbh.
i think it's a cheapness thing but
i could see it.
i would add that the death of the sedan in favor of exclusively """muscle""" cars (chargers, etc) is so there's more for uc's to blend in with
The paint industry official justification is that if we have to make paints with a 20 year life for planes, cars will get what we want to make.
Lucked out getting a used car in blue at least
Shits just boring.