"You're real quiet for a weasel" they kept saying. He grew up around rats, It only made sense. So "Rat boy" became his name tonight.
These were weasel type weasels He was not used to how abrasively loud and rowdy they were.
He regret coming. So he tried leaving quietly.
These were weasel type weasels He was not used to how abrasively loud and rowdy they were.
He regret coming. So he tried leaving quietly.
But the truth was sickening
He'd never had anyone do that to him. Or even behave that way around him
It was
Learning the way his own species is makes him somewhat understand why the rats he grew up around always expected him to be loud
"Quiet for a weasel" from these guys was "nice for a weasel" from them.
Maybe he wants to know more about becoming a "real" weasel
He found a guy he wants to learn from