So much of an environmental footprint, which includes water for cooling, for so little actual (dare I say, *negative*) value.
Kilojoule for kilojoule, human brains are superior. The time and money making or paying someone for art seemingly saved is on our social, cultural and environmental future.
Friendly reminder to not listen to corporations when they say you're to blame for carbon emissions, that you should get rid of your car to save the planet. THEY are the ones who need to change, and it's clear they won't change willingly.
Hey, what if we burned down the rainforest and got rid of the seasons of autumn and winter, but in exchange, we got about three billion basically identical pictures of weirdly smooth naked anime girls?
Anyway, yes. AI bad. :[ Urghrghalskdjffasldkfj.
Kilojoule for kilojoule, human brains are superior. The time and money making or paying someone for art seemingly saved is on our social, cultural and environmental future.
#genai #antiai #anticapitalism