Whose heart could not but be lifted at the sight and sound from #Paris of beautiful #NotreDame restored.
A fitting tribute to have the world's Leaders gather in her honour.
Praying some of the bon homie will translate into good sense, compassion & desire for world Peace 🕊🙏💞
A fitting tribute to have the world's Leaders gather in her honour.
Praying some of the bon homie will translate into good sense, compassion & desire for world Peace 🕊🙏💞
Not crying ….😢
It too was burnt one Christmas Eve and restored, the skill of all involved again resulting in a breathtaking renewal.
A place of great Peace and hope.
The day of the fire it seemed this much loved building was doomed, a horrifying thought.
To see her yesterday, reborn & honoured, standing firm, hopefully for hundreds more years, was heartwarming.