I am trying to think of what the second greatest would be.
It would be a long drop down to second lace, like Moulin Rouge or ugh La La Land.
Usually the great movie musicals are based on a theatre musical.
Singin’ in the Rain was just a movie until many decades later.
It would be a long drop down to second lace, like Moulin Rouge or ugh La La Land.
Usually the great movie musicals are based on a theatre musical.
Singin’ in the Rain was just a movie until many decades later.
Fiddler is a brilliant film, but it was a musical play first.
Mary Poppins is interesting, meditative… but it barely works as a story.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a strong dance show but the plot isn’t great and doesn’t really hold up today. States well because of the dancing.
I am trying to limit this to movie musicals that weren’t plays or became theatre musicals after the movie release.
Nightmare is a strong choice. And it could be made into a stage play.
Going far back, White Christmas.