Welcome to Blue Sky Warhammer and Miniature Painting people!
Hope you like it here, please share your best work so we all can find ourselves here and form the best community possible!
Hope you like it here, please share your best work so we all can find ourselves here and form the best community possible!
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Here's her Owlsome page on insta
✅Brush licker
✅Paint water / tea confuser
✅Chud hater
Still looking for a few stragglers.
And new people who can put up with my cringe antics
2) the three foot rule is real
Also, 'quantity is a quality in and of itself'.
Great work!
It also has the most sentimental value, as it was a gift for my dad
I'll be here whenever you are ready mi hermano!
And yeah, with the Phobos I FINALLY got a swamp basing scheme I liked after messing with it a bunch for some Crannogmen for ASOIAF.
I try to!
The last painted unit of my tomb kings army and some tyranids schemes
I don't know what my best work is so have a Nagash instead, probably one of the models of mine that just makes me smile the most, not sure why AoS puts him on such a large base 🤷♀️ he's not THAT big GW come on!
Oh also, thank you for helping Vallejo make the Xpress paints. I really like using them!!!
Do you have a favorite color from the Vallejo Xpress range?
My favourite colour is Willow Bark, so versatile.
Here are my (not so) recently work 🙂
I think.
Immediately after posting this I know I’m going to want to post something else instead 😅
People seemed to like my freehanded spheal tank turret on other platforms so here it is! I also paint mechanicus in a custum scheme as well!