Demonstration is hard to ignore when it has tens of thousands, hundreds, millions on the streets. Stop working. Unite in huge masses.
US citizens, Be better than Russians who ignore or support their government’s actions.
Lol fuck off with your "no to violence". You understand that they are using violence yes? That they will not hesitate to get more violent to longer you all stand around waving signs and chanting waiting for them grow a conscience. It's self defense.
Well, you are one the many who wait that someone else declares that now it's the right moment?
Sorry, but that's not the way.
I agree they don’t care about protesters. All they care about is $$$. We need to shift our daily spending away from companies that support trump and republicans. Change where you buy and what you buy. GOODS UNITE US is a great resource.
They’re HOPING for protests. That’s why they sacked all the JAGs: so no one will stop trump when he demands the troops shoot the protesters.
He demanded once and was refused. Those that refused have been sacked.
Those “soldiers” will have to live with that and look over their own shoulders on their own soil. If that’s what they want - then it is what it is. If someone doesn’t get to them before they’re conscious, they’ll more than likely just end up taking their own life.
--Mahatma Gandhi
Demonstration is hard to ignore when it has tens of thousands, hundreds, millions on the streets. Stop working. Unite in huge masses.
US citizens, Be better than Russians who ignore or support their government’s actions.
Unions used to crack skulls and punch scabs. Violence is the way.
Sorry, but that's not the way.
That's the passiv thinking, the waiting for something, that changes nothing.
He demanded once and was refused. Those that refused have been sacked.