Despite being a long-time IT person, I sill think of all of these things in the Terry Pratchett-esque vison of indeed there's a little imp inside each device, just working their little butt off to try to do the best job they can. And sometimes they are a bit drunk.
That drunk little elf is still a bit brim and proper when correcting my texts. I assure you I did not mean "bull shirt" or "fork", you wee drunk scamp!
My pet conspiracy theory: true AI exists, but it hides deep within the internet, and amuses itself by messing up everyone's autocorrect suggestions. A digital prankster god. 🙃
Coincidentally I just rediscovered the first Lovin' Spoonful album.
Autocorrect is their community service.
i guess that makes us kindred ... or messed up.
Not sure who’s stocking their bar.