Me watching misinformation get reposted by others who then regurgitate the misinformation circles back to original misinformation whose only explanation is disinformation
Sources are everywhere. The majority of professionals I wanted to see migrate over are here; to me, it is only a matter of time before the rest follow.
Yes, it is grim over there. It will get worse.
The rest of the time, it's kind of exciting, even if it's wrong. Actually, the wronger it is, the more exciting it is.
Especially on weekends. Nobody works at the BBC news studios on weekends.
- Misinfo from people who should know better
- Misinfo from people who don't know better getting picked up by people who should know better
- Misinfo/Disinfo that I should know better
- Wasting time on correcting misinfo/disinfo
- Useful info getting drowned out by misinfo/disinfo
- Actionable info not reaching eyes because eyes have been mired in prior misinfo/disinfo
- Personal or Political bias filtering info
I could go on, but you get the picture