time to preorder dragon age veilguard!! so excited bc I took days off of work for this lol
super interested to see the rooks people make 👀
and I wonder who people are going to romance, folks should definitely share who if they're getting the game
#dragonage #dav #dragonageveilguard
super interested to see the rooks people make 👀
and I wonder who people are going to romance, folks should definitely share who if they're getting the game
#dragonage #dav #dragonageveilguard
I’ve currently got my eye on Davrin, always a sucker for a hunky Grey Warden 🥹.
I've seen so many people say they want to romance Emmerich lmaooo
Who are you thinking of romancing? Or are you holding off until you get to know the companions better?
and part of me is super sold on lucianis but part of me wants to wait and see how the personalities of the companions!
i haven't seen anything regarding them as I've been trying to go in super blind to the game
Oh the spoilers have been terrible… I’ve tried to dodge as many as possible, to the point that I don’t even go onto that other platform anymore to avoid them…
I've somehow not seen any?? either it just hasn't come up on my feed or I've managed to just full on avoid it by focusing on other things
all I've seen is like character creation and that initial gameplay release waaaay back