i srsly think learning new skills is like the key to living a happy life. it doesnt have to be like, a skill you plan to make a career out of or anything. i downloaded mugen like a week ago despite having no knowledge of it whatsoever beforehand and Im having such fun just figuring it out
only problem these days is the "ask for help!" part, because depending on what it is, you may find empty forums where s similar problem was asked and nobody answered, and the only populated places to ask are random discords, where the help section usually asks you to "please stop asking for help"
I know it sounds hypocritical since I'm telling you this via my phone, but throw your phone into a river (AKA try 1 week of no doomscrolling / delete social media apps)
I feel most alive when I have to phone call or text people to talk, and I have so much damn time haha
Would you believe me if I told you I'm at the lowest social media usage point of my life? I'm considering deleting some socials bc I barely use them anymore. So I really don't know why I'm like this βΉοΈ
this is real nice π
I feel most alive when I have to phone call or text people to talk, and I have so much damn time haha
i am just starting school work <3
it doesn't exactly get easier, but you get better at doing the hard part