I audited the large companies and the rich in a former life. A $million here, 5 $million there are only on their radar screen if they DON’T want to pay for it. When these guys buy boats that cost more than a million dollars a day to operate, they don’t live in the same world as middle America.
I love how the conservatives used to gloat about the Jew cabal/NWO rigging the game against them. Now that its alleged members have gone to their side, what now? Ah whatever, the retards who think that the NWO exists and has to be torn down probably think Trump is a moderate.
being "miserly" is not only about money... withholding love, affection, kindness, understanding is just as cruel as hoarding wealth... it comes down to a stinginess of spirit...selfishness.
i don't understand how people can act that way and live with themselves.
Note - For stupid giant corps, that might mean losing out on contracts or having new regulations tossed their way, rather than having to sleep with the fishes.
Looking at these three, I’m willing to bet that they’re paying fealty to keep the Trump admin from looking too closely at corporate AI dev
What a crooked bunch of clowns these guys are. All because they fear that the Orange Emperor will try and put a dent into their business if they don't kiss the ring or something further down Trump's anatomy. Pathetic!
Great....they can throw all the money in the World for Trump's inauguration but they won't be able to attract stars or the 'cool crowd' to show up. Trump will have to be satisfied with 'has beens' Kidd Rock or Chachi Arcola....
Let’s face it folks, all of the billionaires have capitulated and they are all contributing wholeheartedly to Caligula and Elon. It’s pay to play right now, and they’re all paying.
Watching this from Europe is crazy,everyone including some Democrats falling over like dominoes and kissing Voldemort's ring. What the hell is happening?
It’s so disheartening.
They STILL don’t know where the inauguration $$’s went from his last inauguration.
Right in the trump pocket, no doubt.
The inmates are running the asylum
This seems to be the way the presidency will be working for the next 4 years...anyone with a million can buy America, piece by piece, and the $$ go directly into HIS pocket.
The shift to an open faced oligarchy is very dangerous. Like Russia the tech CEO’s that don’t fall in line could very likely be thrown out the proverbial window. So if the billionaires fear the near trillionaire’s like Musk, then the common people are screwed. Bribing Generals could be next?
The wealth hoarders are beginning to act like the land barons of old. Historically that has never gone well for them because eventually there will be a revolution and wealth hoarders don't do well in revolutions.
They want the tax breaks, and they'll fuck our democracy over for them.
Physically disgust me
I want to vomit
Physically disgust me
I want to vomit
Chinese Madam's don't supply entertainment for nothing.
I hear there was plenty left over
The rich will fleece them
4 years is a long time in politics
The USA elect a convicted felon next they will be cancelling elections
being "miserly" is not only about money... withholding love, affection, kindness, understanding is just as cruel as hoarding wealth... it comes down to a stinginess of spirit...selfishness.
i don't understand how people can act that way and live with themselves.
Gotta stay on the don’s good side, or something unfortunate may happen.
Looking at these three, I’m willing to bet that they’re paying fealty to keep the Trump admin from looking too closely at corporate AI dev
New New York Times best seller, or else!!: The Art of using the U.S. Presidency for Extortion.
Believe me, there is always a "Black Swan" moment..when it will all come tumbling down...
Trade in your pants for skirts.
Some sort of combination of 'Include me on the gravy train!' and 'Please don't hurt me!'.
They STILL don’t know where the inauguration $$’s went from his last inauguration.
Right in the trump pocket, no doubt.
The inmates are running the asylum
And all of them weak white men.