Right wingers just slap "ideology" onto any fact they disagree with.
"Transgender ideology."
"Climate Ideology."
"Woke ideology."
If Republicans slapped "ideology" onto gravity tomorrow, by Monday, Centrists and Very Serious Pundits would call gravity controversial.
"Transgender ideology."
"Climate Ideology."
"Woke ideology."
If Republicans slapped "ideology" onto gravity tomorrow, by Monday, Centrists and Very Serious Pundits would call gravity controversial.
Some centrist: look you and I, we drink water all the time, but maybe, maybe we dont NEED to drink water. We need to be understanding to people who are skeptical of drinking water.
Geese and ganders and all that.
Capitalist ideology.
Christian ideology.
Carceral ideology.
Patriarchal ideology.
Cisheteronormative ideology.
Militant ideology.
A-Ideology is clever and but doesn't sound that serious
That would be good too, and it's two fewer syllables :)
When someone says "gender ideology" to me, I always go "which gender ideology?"
Because their ideology surrounding gender is still a gender ideology. An ideology about gender.
Then people stare at me like 😐
Everything else and everyone else is "ideology", but somehow, they're miraculously free from ideology.
The right wing loves coopting the language of the left, because they're quintessential postmodern neosubjects.