Damn i'm like 95% sure i had one just like the one on the left back in the early 00's, or at least something very similar. Very cool to see the old workhorse again
Have the tower on the left. New MOBO but still original PSU and I/O hardware. Dual boot Linux/W7 dedicated music production machine. W7 never goes online, SSD boots in 30 seconds :)
As an added bonus (?) I stuck in an old 3.5" 300 GB drive that boots into VISTA and is full of someones files!
This literally represents the split between the Dells I'd use at School (the black WinXP Dell) vs. The Dell I'd use at home that didn't have Internet access (the beige Win98 Dell, except mine had Windows ME instead 💀).
Shame the black one isn't the hinged case. Those were so cool from a maintenance perspective. Plus as much as it sucked to lose them, having drive rails in a consumer desktop was so satisfying.
Gimme that old beige computer
Gimme that old beige computer
It's good enough for me
As an added bonus (?) I stuck in an old 3.5" 300 GB drive that boots into VISTA and is full of someones files!
Me at my sibling's wedding versus me when the boys want to play unreal tournament