Yeah, just ask Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer how their 'comebacks' went down. Please, NYC Democrats ... no freakazoids. The public's had enough. #AndrewCuomo #EricAdams
Democrats “can you believe Trump pals around with misogynists and rapists and killed people with his Covid response?!?!” Also Democrats “let put a guy who sexually harasses women and killed a bunch of elderly people during the pandemic to run the biggest city in the country”.
Yup. Let’s please get an RCV strategy going please. We can beat him but we can’t pretend like the old ways work. I’m doing free RCV training and consulting sessions for candidates and staff who want to beat this monster.
We need next-generation leadership who can fight without being a dick, and who don’t carry even a hint of corruption. Why would we go backwards to an asshole who barely even likes New York City?