13. Many times by friends and loved ones. I don’t think I could ever let a random stranger change me though. It’s too personal/intimate for me to open up THAT much out of the blue.
11. I think I’ve always had a fascination with diapers as an object, didn’t realize there was an actual community of like minded people until I was in my late teens. Didn’t actually start talking to people until my mid 20’s once I was living my own life and outside my parents 4 walls.
10. I was 21 or 22 when I finally got to experience diapers again. Crappy Depends, but back then, that was the easiest option available without special ordering and printed adult diapers weren’t a thing.
7. I enjoy all of the above for different reasons. I like companionship but am very introverted and it takes a high level of trust to be my little-self in front of others.
3. Yes, both a committed marriage with my wife and a very close platonic friendship with my daddy. Along with several friends that can put me in a regressed headspace.
2. My wearing can vary greatly, week to week and month to month. I wear more often at night to bed because I sleep better. Weekends more than week days. But I’ve gone 24/7 for months, and then not worn for months.
1. ABDL for me is a spectrum. It’s a hobby and a lifestyle. It’s a de-stressor and comfort. It’s an escape and a coping mechanism. It’s a part of who I am and a part of what makes me tick.