From the article above: "Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth’s surface, and their warming is gravely concerning. It causes sea levels to rise, coral to bleach and Earth’s ice sheets to melt faster. Hotter oceans also makes weather on land more extreme"
Probably not. It's Zettajoules. 1 Zettajoule is 1000000000000000000000 Joules. (That's 21 zeros for anybody who lost count 🤯)
And the axis goes up to 300 Zettajoules.
The total amount of energy humans use in a year is just 0.6 Zettajoules. So if last year we had used every little bit of energy to heat up the ocean it would still take another 500 years to put that much heat into the ocean.
And the axis goes up to 300 Zettajoules.
So much. Let's break it down a little.