422 - Marvin Gaye - Let's Get It On
I thought this might have blown the load early starting with Let's Get It On - where could you go from there? Turns out there's a follow up song, Keep Gettin It On, midway through the album. It does continue to get it on too.
I thought this might have blown the load early starting with Let's Get It On - where could you go from there? Turns out there's a follow up song, Keep Gettin It On, midway through the album. It does continue to get it on too.
I was biased against this album because of what MIA being a horrible person and I am glad to see my prejudices were warranted
Much better, but also much shorter. Wanted much more of this one
Country music generally falls into 4 sub genres for me. Moody country, the type i've chosen for my gritty detective series opening. Then there's bland country, party country and Jesus country. This album is a horrible amalgam of the last 3. Awful stuff.
Pretty good, but each song feels like 3 different songs mashed into one - constantly changing up makes me not remember them because I'm a stupid baby. Adrenaline is now on my gymming playlist
Music to heist to. Really good, but it did send me back to the mid 2000s when I recognised a sample from the seminal 1 Thing by Amerie