421 - MIA - Arular
I was biased against this album because of what MIA being a horrible person and I am glad to see my prejudices were warranted
I was biased against this album because of what MIA being a horrible person and I am glad to see my prejudices were warranted
Much better, but also much shorter. Wanted much more of this one
Country music generally falls into 4 sub genres for me. Moody country, the type i've chosen for my gritty detective series opening. Then there's bland country, party country and Jesus country. This album is a horrible amalgam of the last 3. Awful stuff.
Pretty good, but each song feels like 3 different songs mashed into one - constantly changing up makes me not remember them because I'm a stupid baby. Adrenaline is now on my gymming playlist
Music to heist to. Really good, but it did send me back to the mid 2000s when I recognised a sample from the seminal 1 Thing by Amerie
Actual 418 - Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
Wonderful album. probably forgot to comment because it's in my usual playlist (my phone SD card which has all my music uploaded from 2010 and barely updated since)
Meters should have been 415. Please forgive me, Meters