No shortage of people to help out but feel free to reach out. There really isn't much of a barrier to entry if you're just talking playing the games / engaging with the franchise casually.
I personally think HeartGold and SoulSilver are good starting points!
ty 😭 im probably gonna start up a mystery dungeon save in december when i get back from visiting friends (ive played a few other games before but never to completion)
I can talk to anyone about Pokemon for as long as I am allowed to. Best main game to start with is probably Heart Gold / Soul Silver, but Mystery Dungeon games are super good so you generally can't go wrong playing them.
depends on what series you think you will like the most, but I would start with an earlier gen simply because it's harder to go back if you've played newer ones first
i may ask for help cause i tried playing the pokemon mystery dungeons on nintendo online but i was confused 😭 (i prob wont pick it up again until i get back from thanksgiving)
No shortage of people to help out but feel free to reach out. There really isn't much of a barrier to entry if you're just talking playing the games / engaging with the franchise casually.
I personally think HeartGold and SoulSilver are good starting points!
Any game is a good starting point!
also for whenever u jump back into i have this old doc i made for another friend of tips for the game tho i think they may? be slightly more intermediate i'm not sure