Cool...most ME anyhow...our friend, Deepti does what she calls ASSEMBLAGE art...very cool. LOVE ORIGINAL ART by GREAT ARTISTS on here in case you haven't noticed. O_O Also post GREAT SONGS from the 60's/70's & GREAT MOVIES I LOVE. Thx! Take care. Nice work!
WTG! I was go walk today & usually stop by nearby WM. NOT TODAY. STAYED HOME. HA! Sure that'll make a HUGE IMPRESSION on Muskrat & his ilk. O_O Anyhow...we VOTE AND we VOTE W/ OUR $$, true? Hi, Deepti. Been meeting more artists. Whasnew witchoo? LOVE gardening...can't WAIT. Start seeds soon.
I got a stand to start my seeds tomorrow. Heard hubby laughing as Zelenski took Trump's n Vance's trip as I was cleaning up area under the hydrangeas . Toddlers trying to bully Zelenski.
I use shelf greenhouses that we keep inside our screened-in back porch...get LOTS of sunlight...have zippered covers...really work well. LOVE growing flowers & esp grape cherry tomatoes...shaped like fave. Brought in tomatoes this yr till Jan, last yr till Feb. Bleedat? C'mon SPRING! O_O
Very cool. Deepti & I chat some. Also talk to , fellow Texan. Recently bought this beaut from in CT & a print from in the UK. Have a STARTER PACK w/ GREAT ARTISTS here on Blue Sky listed. Mind if I add YOU? An HONOR.
DEAL! Just added to my GREAT ARTISTS STARTER PACK on my 2nd acct & will here NOW. Had trubble...frickin laptop wldn't let me...never mind...had to RESTART...LIFE IS HARD, eh? O_O Look forward to seeing more of your stuff...uh...ART...what else? Sry...try 2b funny. O_O
2/ DONE! Haven't seen YOURS (STARTER PACKs...what else?) yet...THX! Having TOO MUCH FUN adding new F'ers (FOLLOWers-what else?) to my 2 accts. Wldn't know any BAD JOKES that make ppl LAFF wld ya? NEW MATERIAL NEEDED. Ask (O_O)
I would love to be added to your starter pack! I’ll add you to my most recent one!