In 2022 when the German parliament agreed to keep the nuclear power plants working for 6 more months I thought it was nonsensical as they’d never manage without them after the 6 months and would have to prolong it again.
But I forgot then that Germany’s gonna be Germany
But I forgot then that Germany’s gonna be Germany
👉 🇩🇪 is lacking internal grid N-S capacity
👉 treats whole of 🇩🇪 as a single copper plate
👉 remedy would be more windpower in the south but csu stopped it
👉 cables were delayed & made more expensive by CSU
👉 splitting German pricing Zone in 2 might help
👉 more dynamic pricing will help
👉 changes in feed in Tarif are being discussed and will help
👉 so will incentice small & building new large batteries
See upcoming Petition:
And report
👉 Need operator that is willing to put them back on
👉 being balanced by batteries or made to follow demand curve which is difficult
For details visit seminar by
👉 lots of more wind in the south will be built next 3 years
👉 N-S finished
👉 more dynamic pricing
That’s what we don’t need any changes for in legislation.
If Bundestag acts we may also get even better regulation see attached slides.
This is good.
Current big battery parks in Germany: 1,9 GWh, it is said to get to 7 GWh until end of 2025. Furthermore 2,000km of new energy grid authorized in 2024, the same to come in 2025. We'll get there.
All the last nuclear power plants in Europe went over cost and over schedule, and will be too late for the goal of becoming co2 neutral by 2035.
2024 importierte Deutschland insgesamt 67,0 TWh Strom. .. Zuwachs von 13,8 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreswert von 54,3 TWh. Mit 15,0 TWh war Frankreich größter Stromlieferant. ... Stromexporte gingen um 10,1 Prozent auf 35,1 TWh zurück.
Mal wieder das Problem wenn es einen gemeinsamen Markt geben soll aber jedes Land seine eigene Energiepolitik betreibt
NO Energieminister dazu:
(which was primarily Gerhard Schroeder's decision btw, much more than (nuclear engineer!) Merkel speeding things up)
(young Schroeder protested nuclear, young Scholz nuclear weapons)
But not without also blaming Norway for going non-combustion automotive.
Aber alle haben schon mal von Versorgungssicherheit gehört, oder ? Oder ?