Hi all, I'm new to this platform and looking for like-minded people who want independence for Scotland.
No trump lovers need apply.
No trump lovers need apply.
You can add a whole pack or selected members from each pack as you wish. Hope this helps.
Welcome to Bluesky.
I joined mastodon a few years ago but that's not really massive.
I've added you to pack #5.
Each pack has 150 hand-vetted guaranteed #ScottishIndependence #IndyClan
When you click into the pack you can securely hit the Follow All icon in each or follow faces you recognise individually.
This place is not like the others.
You can customise your experience.
Keep a track of folks with Lists.
I have SNP politicians, trusted sources, cartoonists and more.
Where you elsewhere would tag for post notifications, this way you find your own
Soar Alba