Hello, everyone! My name's Ribbon! I'm a friendly Sylveon from the Galar reigon who has some cool powers!
And these are some of my friends!
Hope we can all have fun here! :3
Hello, everyone! My name's Ribbon! I'm a friendly Sylveon from the Galar reigon who has some cool powers!
And these are some of my friends!
Hope we can all have fun here! :3
What a cute little Pokemon! :D
*Mew said petting Ribbon*
I also grow from eating sweet stuff! :3
Peach (Super Mario)
Kirby (Kirby)
Viridi (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Harmony the Meloetta, Valerie, Liko, & Rosa (Pokemon)
Austin, 22,