Musk needs to pay restitution to tax payers. Our representatives did not pass a bill for this to happen and they are using OUR MONEY for screwing up our government!
"In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians [or unelected CEOs like Musk & his minions] enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors from lobbyists and corporations, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates." (Wikipedia)
We cannot wait until we have nothing left to lose before we fight back against this fascist takeover.
What price?
Your country?
Neighbors here and abroad?
The planet we live on?
What price before enough is enough … when there is nothing left to lose, there’s nothing left to fight for!
And the cost to put humpty dumpty’s implosion of chaos back together again will be astronomical if possible at all. What a waste and we struggle already.
Impeach the interloper. The lying cheat. Save what’s left. Every day its less and less
Supreme Court should be pressured to reverse their Presidential Immunity Declaration. This is our only chance to survive a dictatorship. Without this reversal no one will be able to stop the Felon.
They seemed to come with Leon-so did he hire them? No vetting, no background checks. And given their access, they very well could have just paid themselves!
I have a friend who told me about a month ago that the "savings" are going to be used by the Government to build amazing AI tools that will make all our lives better. A real utopia. I don't know what kind of look I had on my face in response, but I was speechless at her naivety.
Lies the lying liars lie about.
One lie fits all tRumpers republicans,nazis, white nationalists, ect. They are going for the record of how quickly they can destroy our democracy and nation.
Despicable! The DOGE “savings”must be calculated in the context of expenses! It’s like Trump saying we saved $10 million and then golfing away that $10 million equals no savings!!!
They’re spending about $40M a month more than the previous administration. This is not including the people who will have to be rehired.
A complete sham.
Why are they still allowed to touch our legislative government departments files. They are not legitimate govt employees!! They are violating the law. Kick them out! Don’t let them into your buildings!!!
I hope they remember the last group of idiots who worked for trump. Some went to jail, some lost their licenses, some got charged and America now knows them as crooked MAGA liars.
Hanging Peters, to pay dangling Big Balls. Very constrictive world view there in the D.O.G.E world. Is the commission based on low hanging the fruit were, or only the institutions that irritate the Oligarchs & their businesses.
Are there idioms & metaphors in everything @ South Afrikaner Nazi does?
Remember the whole thing is a Fictional Agent, it is Junkies' stealing every thing not nailed down. DOGE was a last minute invention by drug addicts and felons to steal from hard working folks. It is a Lie.
The grift grows! In less than 2 years, after the midterms are over - we will have a clear picture of exactly how much damage has been done by these criminal hackers and their racist bigot boss musk-tRump. There will be a heck of a lot of subpoenas of these criminals!
And they are living inside our government buildings, ordering ikea furniture, TVs, gaming systems. No utility bill, no deposits, no rent, and probably order door dash on our dime. Yup. Government efficiency.
Looking forward to seeing them in handcuffs and off to prison.
I 100% would not be at all surprised, but these things really need to be supported with a link so we can get behind them. Let's show folks that the left prefers strong and gorgeous fact-checking, habitually. 👊
Non-stop insults to America. Trump & Musk will spit in our face and instead of standing up and pushing back we will raise our ping pong paddles emblazoned with a polite request they “refrain please”
What price?
Your country?
Neighbors here and abroad?
The planet we live on?
What price before enough is enough … when there is nothing left to lose, there’s nothing left to fight for!
where are its offices located?
what is its charter?
who are its officers?
where can i find its bylaws, policies, and procedures?
by what authority does it act?
to whom is it accountable?
to what oversight is it subject?
just asking questions"
Sam Brody
You can not trust or believe anything that Elon says to you. He and TSF are both the same - LIARS.
What a shock
Impeach the interloper. The lying cheat. Save what’s left. Every day its less and less
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
This would all STOP if they objected. Treat them accordingly!
They are becoming the enemy.
Time to end this looting.
However, who works pro bono?!
One lie fits all tRumpers republicans,nazis, white nationalists, ect. They are going for the record of how quickly they can destroy our democracy and nation.
Not yours.
A complete sham.
He’d finance it himself….
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
The GUY YOU INSTALLED, is NOW taking away your benefits, your farms and ANY support and GIVING it to his hacker buddies!
YOUR immigrant that you were terrified of!
WHILE the guy that was picking your vegetables is being deported!
Just remember, if trump's or elon's lips are moving, they are lying their asses off!
Get you some soap on a rope for the future.
Are there idioms & metaphors in everything @ South Afrikaner Nazi does?
They say things.
Here are some words that will keep people placid till it’s too late, think I’ll use those words.
You know how philanthropic he’s known to be.
Talk about a waste of government money.
Looking forward to seeing them in handcuffs and off to prison.