Tamarind, a former pkmn contest coordinator now turned travel writer, he travels between hoenn, sinnoh and johto for his work. Always carrying plenty of Lava cookies as gifts for his friends. He's a regular visitor to Sunyshores city and is a good friend of Volkner
Tamarind, a former pkmn contest coordinator now turned travel writer, he travels between hoenn, sinnoh and johto for his work. Always carrying plenty of Lava cookies as gifts for his friends. He's a regular visitor to Sunyshores city and is a good friend of Volkner
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- Frequently traveling from region to region, he spends most of his time in Sunyshore
-He met Volkner just 3 years prior to the start of DPPT
- Both only started dating after the events of DPPT where Tamarind ran back to Sinnoh after hearing the whole city was out of power n he couldn't reach his friends there.
- Status: Dating