The (many) charges that led to the arrest of Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram:
- Complicity - Administration of an online platform to enable an illicit transaction by an organized group,
- Refusal to communicate, upon requests from authorized authorities, the information or documents necessary for 1/
- Complicity - Administration of an online platform to enable an illicit transaction by an organized group,
- Refusal to communicate, upon requests from authorized authorities, the information or documents necessary for 1/
1 / 2
- Complicity - Possession of the image of a minor of a child pornographic nature,
- Complicity - Dissemination, offering or making available in an organized group of images of minors of a pornographic nature, 2/
- Complicity - Offer, transfer or making available without legitimate reason of equipment, an instrument, a program or data designed or adapted for an attack and access to the operation of an automated data 3/
- Complicité - Escroquerie en bande organisée,
- Association de malfaiteurs en vue de commettre un crime ou un délit puni de 5 ans au moins d’emprisonnement
- Blanchiment de crimes ou délits en bande organisée. 4/
- Provision of a means of cryptology not exclusively ensuring authentication or integrity control functions without declaration 5/